Threat Reduction
Strengthening the weakest link means reinforcing the entire chain. Greytek evaluates risk from multiple and simultaneous threat sources, such as insider threats, physical and operational security threats, and travel threats. Greytek can implement an integrated risk mitigation solution at any level of business process. We modify our methodology according to the threat with which your company is faced for optimal results.
Cyber Security
Our approach is simple and comprehensive. Our computer network assessment evaluates all IT touch-points, including users of the network. At Greytek, cyber is more than a buzzword and a set of standards. Cyber is an ever-changing landscape that requires a compliment of relevant skills and expertise. Greytek provides cyber security capabilities that will assist your network security teams with penetration testing and vulnerability assessment strategies to harden and strengthen network infrastructures. A good defense is built from a persistent and capable offense –Greytek's cyber security professionals are ready to be part of your team.
Security Education
Our instructors conduct scenario based courses on subjects such as: employee safety/security awareness, social media security awareness, surveillance, surveillance detection, counterintelligence support to protection operations, operations security measures, and travel security & awareness. Most breaches of security are not the result of disgruntled employees seeking to do harm to your business, but rather, are caused by employees who are unaware of security threats or are not properly trained to respond to them.
Operations Support
Greytek experts identify information that is critical to your business' success or that could be used against you. We then counter efforts of unauthorized parties attempting to obtain your information through assisting in the implementation, updating, and/or management of your security program. Your security is our priority.